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With each passing hour, my growing despair wars with my murderous blood.
Do I give in to the inevitability of life with the enemy, or do I allow the serial killer inside of me to come barreling to the surface?
I don’t want the man who keeps me locked away.
I want my monster, my darkness, my Caelian.
I long for his cruel eyes and bruising touch. The rage which consumes him calms the madness in me.
Without him, I feel as if the mania I’ve fought to control will ignite, devouring me entirely.
The day is nearing where I’ll be forced to choose, and at the end of it all, I wonder, will he be there to save me, or will I be on my own?
I cling to the hope that when the day comes, Caelian will be beside me.
But if not, I’m determined to make it out alive. There’s no alternative.

Violent Promises

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-DT-BFS69
820 грн
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