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Underhill is my ruthless mother. Her realm is my deadly home. The brutal creatures here are both foe and friend.
But the group of fae that just attacked me? They’re all foe. Dragged from my game of hide-and-seek with a dragon, and my home of twenty-one years, I’m thrust into a weak, ugly realm.
Something is taking the fae children of the Irish court, and an Oracle has declared I must find them. Nope. Not my problem. Bye. Except a three-year-old girl they suspect is the next Queen of All Fae was taken too. She’s crucial to the success of my mother’s work and the well-being of all, including these simpering fae who’ve forgotten who they are.
Now they have my attention.

Thorn Kissed and Silver Chains

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-CJ-GT53
830 грн
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