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Princess Aurora longs to escape the castle and the marriage that has been arranged for her.
But on the night before her wedding, at a dog fight where captured werewolves are made to fight for sport, she spares the life of a young wolf. It puts her on the radar of the powerful alpha who was going to kill him. And it changes everything.
That night, when the alpha escapes, he kidnaps her and takes her to the rugged lands north of the border—where the once warring werewolf clans are beginning to unite. He thinks that she is the key to winning the war against the humans.
Only, as they spend time around one another, forbidden attraction starts to grow. And as Aurora learns that not all wolves are bad, the alpha discovers that she is in danger from both his enemies, and those he once considered friends.
With monsters on both sides, a bloodthirsty war between humans and wolves raging, and undeniable passion growing between them—will their story end in love? Or tragedy?
And will Aurora ever get home?
Does she even want to?

The Wolf King

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-DT-BFS81
860 грн
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