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Hades in a Brioni suit.Cillian Fitzpatrick has been dubbed every wicked thing on planet earth.To the media, he is The Villain.To me, he is the man who (reluctantly) saved my life.Now I need him to do me another, small solid.Bail me out of the mess my husband got me into.What’s a hundred grand to one of the wealthiest men in America, anyway?Only Cillian doesn’t hand out free favors.The price for the money, it turns out, is my freedom.Now I’m the eldest Fitzpatrick brother’s little toy. To play, to mold, to break. Too bad Cillian forgot one, tiny detail.Persephone wasn’t only the goddess of spring; she was also the queen of death.He thinks I’ll buckle under the weight of his mind games.He is about to find out the most lethal poison is also the sweetest.

The Villain

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-LJS-TH2
850 грн
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