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When Veronica Levy bought her dream house on the Outer Cape, she imagined a place where generations of her family would gather for years to come.
Now, forty years later, with her children barely speaking to each other, or to her, Veronica has decided, reluctantly, to put the place on the market. She'll invite the family to gather one last time (and insist on their good behavior) at her granddaughter Ruby's wedding. She'll spend one last summer by the beach, with her daughter Sarah, her son Sam, and whichever grandchildren can be coaxed into making the trip. Then she'll say goodbye to the house she's loved for forty years.
But three months is a long time. Time enough for an old love to reappear, for secrets to come to light, and for three generations of Levy women to decide what kind of lives they want to live, in the summers they have left.

The Summer Place

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-DS-HGP36
590 грн
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