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I came to the lake to be left alone, to lick my wounds. I wasn't counting on neighbors and I especially wasn't counting on her.Lucie was a little kid the last time I was here. Now she's grown-and God, did she ever grow up-with two little kids of her own.She's everywhere I look, no matter how hard I try to avoid her. I'd forgotten all the things I used to want, used to dream about. She's reminding me...and making me want every last one of them again.From the moment I first saw Caleb when I was six, I knew he belonged to me. And I knew I'd have to save him-because how else does the girl nobody wants win over the boy beloved by all?Nothing about his life or mine has gone to plan. He's isolated and miserable. I've got a vindictive ex and more problems than I can count.But what hasn't changed is this: it still feels like he's mine.And I still think I may need to save him.

The Summer I Saved You

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Артикул: ENG-HUD-DT-BFS33
320 грн
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