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Relics of a mysterious god, the Spice Gates connect the eight far-flung kingdoms, each separated by a distinct spice and only accessible by those born with a special mark. This is not a mark of distinction, but one of subjugation: Spice Carriers suffer the lashes of their rich masters and the jolting pain of the Gates themselves.
Amir is a Spice Carrier dreaming of escape. But something is stirring in the inhospitable spaces between the kingdoms. As Amir makes his plan for freedom, he’s drawn into a plot that threatens to unravel the power keeping the gates in balance.
Gods, assassins and thronekeepers all have a vested interest in the spice trade, and Amir will have to decide what kind of world he wants to live in … if the world survives at all.

The Spice Gate

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-EK-ADK42
970 грн
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  • Часткова оплата банківською картою (оплата 50% при замовленні, 50% при отриманні на пошті)
  • Повна оплата банківською картою при замовленні

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