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I knew something was wrong. It’s a mother’s instinct.
I could tell when my son started hiding things from me. He used to walk to school with a mischievous grin on his beautiful face. Now he avoids eye contact and keeps his head down.
Since I discovered he’s being bullied by a classmate, I’ve spent every day worrying, my stomach churning with anxiety from the moment he leaves the house to the second he walks back through the door.
Everyone keeps telling me I’m overreacting, but I won’t risk my child’s safety. My husband and I try to talk to the other boy’s parents, but it only makes things worse…
Then our precious child is hurt. Enough is enough. It has to stop. Even if that means taking matters into our own hands.
Because we know the truth about the family targeting our son – it’s not the first time they’ve done this.

The Couple's Revenge

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-RAF-SL125
600 грн
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