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After the sudden death of her brother, Anwen needs to fulfill a promise. She has to travel to Evigt Forest, a natural world wonder owned by the Swedish royal family, guarded for a hundred and fifty years and forbidden to all visitors. Haunted by her brother’s last words, she convinces her powerful family to secure her residence inside the secluded forest.
During her stay, Anwen will soon discover that she is not alone as she falls prey to the battle between Rhylan—a vengeful fire spirit and Ansgar—the youngest member of a fae royal family, assigned to guard and protect the forest.
Overcome by curiosity towards the unknown man who invaded her life, Anwen finds herself falling in love with Ansgar, only to reveal his true identity and with it, unravel the dangers that await.

Tales of Earth and Leaves

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Артикул: ENG-HUD-CJ-GT45
860 грн
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