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Ava, the oldest daughter of Isis and Poseidon, yearns for love above all else. But when she's betrothed to the formidable and brooding hero, Hercules, she begins to question her fate.
Sent as a gift from Isis, Ava is tasked with marrying Hercules and convincing him to help our heroes on a treacherous journey to collect a valuable treasure. Only then will Isis agree to negotiate and order her sirens to stop attacking men. But with each treasure guarded by a magical monster, success will require the combined skills and bravery of our heroes, along with the help of Captain Stone, Georgette, Serena, and Prince Edward.
As they set out on their adventure, Hercules is dark and uncompromising, but Ava discovers a beautiful soul beneath his tough exterior, tortured by his past. Will Ava be able to bring Hercules out of his shell and find true love with him? And what will happen if they succeed on their mission? 

Sworn to a Demigod

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-DS-HGP52
600 грн
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