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Born without breath, Aella’s life began with a solemn promise etched in fate. Ousted from the Palace of Sorrows and gifted to the Aviary at a young age, she was shaped to fit the mold they made for her.
Spy. Thief. Princess. Songbird.
After Aella completes her training and passes the Naming ceremony, she is assigned to the prestigious Alpha Flight, led by none other than her former flame. Everything about Raven calls to her. He is brave, loyal, and lethal. But love is forbidden within the Aviary.
When Alpha Flight is tasked with infiltrating the eastern kingdom’s royal trials to seek a weapon hidden deep within its court, Aella struggles with the expectations placed on her.
As old sparks reignite and the harsh realities of the realm reveal themselves, she must decide whether to follow orders or defy them.

Songbird of the Sorrows

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-RAF-SL33
1 020 грн
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