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When football-mad Lily's local club relocates to a city more than 50 miles away, she's just as devastated as all the other fans. Determined to keep the community's love of football alive, Lily, along with her dad and sister, sets up a brand-new club, Crawford United, with the dream of making it big.
Everyone is shocked when notorious professional player Ben Pryce shows up out of the blue to help coach the new team. Despite being a top Premier League striker, he's been temporarily suspended from his team for an altercation with a fan – and his image is in serious need of a revamp.
Within minutes Lily and Ben are clashing like rival teams on match day. But despite their differences, sparks fly – and it's not long before Lily's at risk of breaking her number one rule: no mixing business with pleasure.
Ben may have a bad-boy reputation, but might there be more to him than meets the eye?

Playing the Field

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-EK-ADK47
630 грн
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