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It's literally my job to make sure everything goes to plan. I'm really f-ing good at it.
But when the beautiful coffee shop owner refuses a corporate loan to keep her business afloat solely because we had a slightly-drunk quickie, it makes me crazy. Insane. Frustrated. Turned on. Especially when I discover the stubborn woman chooses instead to be a cam girl to pay her bills. Of course, I step in, because:
1. I need to make this right.
2. There's no way another man is going to glimpse one gorgeous inch of her.
3. It's my fault.
I buy up all her cam time. Problem solved.
Except this is a plan I didn't think through. Eve doesn't know she's falling for the same guy on and off the screen.
What happens when she learns the truth?
All I know is this may be the one problem I can't fix.

Man Splain

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-DT-BFS179
890 грн
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