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Molly Marks writes Hollywood rom-coms for a living - which is how she knows 'romance' is a racket. The one and only time she was naive enough to fall in love was with her high school boyfriend, Seth - who she ghosted on the eve of graduation and hasn't seen in fifteen years.
Seth Rubinstein believes in love, the grand, fated kind, despite his job as, well . . . one of Chicago's most successful divorce attorneys. Over the last decade, he's sought 'the one' in countless bad dates and rushed relationships. He knows his soulmate is out there. But so far, no one can compare to Molly Marks, the first girl who broke his heart.
When Molly's friends drag her to Florida for their fifteenth high school reunion, it is poetic justice that she's forced to sit with Seth. Too many martinis and a drunken hookup later, they decide to make a bet: whoever can predict the fate of five couples before the next reunion must declare that the other is right about true love. The catch? The fifth couple is the two of them.

Just Some Stupid Love Story

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-RAF-SL68
690 грн
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