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Except the task I’m burdened with should belong to a more powerful fae—my mother. Listening to her brought me to this moment of heartache and loss. Perhaps the time has come for a new approach, no matter the consequences.
With my trusty gold bat, a tormented Aaden, and a potty-mouthed land kelpie for company, I have an oath to uphold before I can untangle the web of deceit and half-truths in this next quest. Because as it turns out, the child thief I defeated was merely a henchman of the master of darkness. And this master?
He has another henchman.
I barely survived the encounter with the child thief, and with drained bodies dropping from the sky, can I make sense of the magic and ribbons before humans, fae, and the very realms we live in are claimed?
Failure has never been an option. Unfortunately, now it seems like the only one.

Ivy Touched and Bronze Blade

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-CJ-GT54
830 грн
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