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There is no future for Lydia Brightwood.
The Crimson Lord, a tyrant bent on destroying Lydia's country, made sure of that. Her only hope of a different life is to find the one person who could unite her country: a royal heir. There's just one problem...
They're all dead.
The Beast's humanity is slipping away.
Shut away from the world by a horrible secret, Adam watches the destruction of his homeland from the ruins of a fortress all the while holding the devastating truth in his chest:
It's his fault.
Adam and Lydia's paths cross in the ruins of the north where they must find a way to conquer the curse before everything they love collapses...but being truly human has its price.

Iron Rose

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-MF-DGHT48
1 010 грн
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