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Having heard Gudrum’s threats and Alys’ warnings, Reinar is desperate to head South, back to his family. Though he must be patient. His army is far behind him, and Reinar knows he’ll need every pair of hands to get their fleet back home.
Waiting with his brother, Sigurd is looking forward to his reunion with Raf, unaware that she is now with Gudrum. And though Raf didn’t return to Gudrum willingly, she is still struggling, unable to decide where her true loyalties lie.
In Orvala, Tarl’s dreamer is dying, though he can find no way to help her. His city is a mess, his people are wounded and grieving, but he is consumed by his fears for an unresponsive Mirella.
And in Stornas, Ake Bluefinn farewells his family and readies his army to head to Ottby.
His dreamer may have foretold his end, but the King of Alekka is ready to fight.

Heart of the King

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-EK-ADK32
980 грн
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