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A half-orc, half-human belongs nowhere…
Orek has spent his life trying to prove himself to a clan that despises him. The son of a deposed orc chief and human captive, he must try twice as hard to prove himself a worthy male, a strong hunter, a potential mate…
Resigned to a thankless place in the shadows, Orek ekes out a living on the fringes of the clan, just waiting for an opportunity. But what he finds instead one cold autumn night could ruin everything he’s worked so hard to gain—a human woman, captured just as his mother was so many years ago. The choice to protect her from the clan isn’t a choice at all, but what will protect him and his lonely heart from her?
A life about to begin, usurped by fate…
Sorcha has spent her life helping raise her many siblings, but now finally has the chance to seek her own adventures. At least, she did, before she was snatched from her horse and peddled by slavers. Taken far from home, she’s brought to the worst place imaginable—the craggy western mountains infested with brutal, brutish orcs. All humans know to fear them and stay away, and now she’s been sold to the cruelest clan-chief of them all. But the first orc she meets is nothing like the stories. He’s gentle. He frees her.


Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-MM-RD24
950 грн
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