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Tom Badgerlock has been living peaceably in the manor house at Withy woods with his beloved wife Molly these many years; the estate a reward to his family for loyal service to the crown. But behind the facade of respectable middle-age lies a turbulent and violent past. For Tom Badger lock is actually Fitz Chivalry Farseer; bastard scion of the Farseer line; convicted user of Beast-magic; and assassin. A man who has risked much for his king and lost more. On a shelf in his den sits a triptych carved in memory stone of a man; a wolf and a fool. Once; these three were inseparable friends: Fitz; Night eyes and the Fool. But one is long dead; and one long-missing. Then one Winter fest night a messenger arrives to seek out Fitz; but mysteriously disappears; leaving nothing but a blood-trail. What was the message? Who was the sender? And what has happened to the messenger? Suddenly Fitz's violent old life erupts into the peace of his new world; and nothing and no one is safe.

Fitz and the Fool Trilogy

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1 540 грн
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