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Fantasy of Frost is the first title in The Tainted Accords. I know many things. What I am capable of, what I will change, what I will become. But there is one thing I will never know…The veil I’ve worn from birth carries with it a terrible loneliness; a suppression I cannot imagine ever being free of. Some things never change…My mother will always hate me. Her court will always shun me.…Until they do.When the peace delegation arrives from the savage world of Glacium, my life is shoved wildly out of control by the handsome Prince Kedrick who, for unfathomable reasons, shows me kindness.And the harshest lessons are learned.Sometimes it takes the world bringing you to your knees to find that spark you thought forever lost.Sometimes it takes death to show you how to live.

Fantasy of Frost

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-MF-DGHT38
640 грн
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