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As the Kingdom of Alekka teeters on the brink of chaos, ancient rivalries ignite, and a vengeful dreamer plots from the shadows...
Trapped in a small village with two young children, Alys de Sant is oblivious to the rising danger. Winters have been brutal, and her husband has grown violent. Fearing for her safety, she hides away supplies, preparing for the escape she must make. Soon.
Reinar Vilander is acutely aware of the king’s precarious position, for his fortress guards the bridge to Alekka’s capital. Desperate to shore up his ailing defenses, he takes to sea looking for slaves to sell, hoping to earn the silver to tempt more warriors to join him. Instead, he finds Alys – a mysterious woman who holds a secret so dark, she fears that revealing it will get her killed.
Though as the king’s enemies close in and those she loves are threatened, will Alys have the courage to confront her past?

Eye of the Wolf

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-EK-ADK29
930 грн
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