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Alexander’s costly victory at Northport provides only a brief reprieve from the onslaught of enemy forces converging on those loyal to the Old Law.
Prince Phane has created a deadly new soldier – man mixed with darkness – imbued with terrible power and a purpose so sinister that that it could turn those Alexander loves most against him … or take them away from him forever.
Zuhl is plundering Fellenden, killing, torturing and enslaving the people for his own selfish purpose. He’s using the fabled Iron Oak forest to build a fleet of warships capable of dominating the oceans of the Seven Isles, ensuring his ultimate dominion over everyone, everywhere.
The shades are loose in the world and starting to make their move. They intend to open the Nether Gate and plunge the world of time and substance into eternal darkness.

Blood of the Earth

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-DT-BFS116
820 грн
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