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Life was looking up for me not long ago. Now, it’s looking all the way down. This latest shitstorm? Yeah, it takes the cake and the beetroot tickle.
The father who shunned me from birth lays cold and dead. The courts are in turmoil and after blood. My blood. I need to find his killer, yet that mystery pales in comparison to the madness crushing fae in its giant grip.
I’m desperate to find the door to Underhill before true anarchy descends. The answers I seek are on the other side, I’m sure of it.
With two gifted swords, a magic shield, some finnicky power, and dubious spirit for company, I must locate the path to our native realm again. And if I can manage that while resisting the Unseelie fae stalking my every footstep, then all the better.
But I am part human after all.

A Throne Of Feathers and Bone

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Артикул: ENG-HUD-CJ-GT51
830 грн
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