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The world of Zenafrost is burning. Darkness has overtaken the lands, corrupting everything it touches. After discovering the truth of her birth, Mara ─ Princess of Delinval, daughter of the Dread Queen, prophesied bringer of the dawn ─ has no time to sift through the rubble of her former life. Not with the salvation of the world resting upon her shoulders.
By sheer luck and the help of her allies, Mara has somehow managed to survive the first Trial of the Odelians. Now, as she moves into the dangers of the Trials to come, she must stand beside warriors with centuries of training and skill in powerful magicks. But with Cyfrin, Kain, Milios and El to guide her, she remains determined to prove herself worthy to fight among them. Evil, however, refuses to wait until the Dawnbringer is prepared for battle. Shadows loom ever closer to the Forgotten Wood, and death rides in on swift wings. When nightmares become reality, Mara’s confidence falters.
Is she truly fit to lead the charge into the dawn?

A Prophecy of Undone

Доставка 3-4 тижні
Артикул: ENG-HUD-MF-DGHT96
820 грн
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